What you’re looking for, if you’re interested in Somatics, is something that will WORK to address your pain, relieve your stress & tension, & improve your mobility & flexibility. It’s unsurprising that people often ask How Long?

As with most movement practices & exercises, to some extent it varies from one individual to another. However, in my experience most students get some immediate results - often feeling release of tension &/or pain in an area that's bothered them for some time, & feeling more ease in their overall self. And most everyone else gets results within a few classes - especially once they've really started to figure out the technique of pandiculation, & how it works best for them.

Clinical sessions almost always have immediate effects – but of course seeing a Clinical Somatic Educator like me in person right now is tough, with lockdown & the changes it’s created & its ongoing impact.

But movement classes generally create some immediate changes for people, too – when the work is 1-2-1, but also very frequently when it’s through group classes.

I've had clients cancel surgery on the basis of 2 or 3 group classes before now! And yes, they feel changes - but the most important thing seems to’ve been been that they have through those sometimes small changes recognised the real possibility for ongoing, & future change, that they can create with a contnyed practice, which is key.

In terms of flexibility, it’s also quite individual, & depends also of course on a person’s starting point, as well as their goals. (Do they want to improve their overall ease of movement, or are they a runner or cyclist looking to imrpove their overall performance, or are they a yogi or gymnast really wanting much more flexibility? Somatics can help everyone - but in different ways.)

Someone who feels tension, tightness & discomfort in their yoga practice, for instance, may very soon feel quite substantial changes once they replace all & any stretching with pandiculation, & modify some of their practice (as was the case for me). Athletes vary enormously: some experience immediate effects of more released, less tense muscles – others, in my experience, have to work on deeper patterns of contraction before they can more usefully make changes in the long term.

For most people, it’s worth noting, I believe that Somatics – and pandiculation, more generally – is most effective as an ongoing practice.

Many people do feel immediate results – but pandiculation is not a ‘quick fix’ that you use just once! That doesn’t mean you need to take classes forever! But it does mean you need to replace stretching with pandiculation, & pandiculate a little each day with Somatics movements, for the best, long-lasting results in combatting pain & tension, improving your ease of movement, & enabling greater flexibility & less stress.

Of course I describe Somatics as being able to combat pain & tension, improve flexibility, & enable fuller breathing, because these things are inextricably interrelated: to breathe is to move – and so for fuller breathing, we need to ease muscle tension so we can move more… And easing muscle tension eases pain, as well as improving breathing – and, also, improving our suppleness & potential for increased flexibility.

Because YOU ARE A SYSTEM, these aspects all impact on each other. Further, those who practise Somatics very often find their mood is affected, too: Somatic movements work with muscular contraction patterns caused by our natural, human responses to stress. And so, unsurprisingly, releasing muscle tension improves flexibility, enables fuller breathing, & can positively effect mood, too: it can quite literally help us ‘let go’ of stress.

My blog posts are just the tip of the iceberg – but I hope they answer some of your questions, & encourage you to learn – and to TRY – more Somatics! There are free resources on my website, & elsewhere (e.g., Also check out my FREE video series, “The Truth About Pain - and how to get rid of it”, and my full online programme, the SoMA Program (registration next opens March 2022).

Samantha Holland