Work With Me to
Get rid of stress, stiffness, discomfort & pain.
Address stored trauma.
Feel far greater comfort, confidence & ease in your self.
Counsellors & psychotherapists: click on the workshop title for info about my workshop: “Somatics and Listening to the Whole, Embodied Person: Exploring how Thomas Hanna’s Somatics can deepen an understanding of clients as embodied beings — and help you feel more comfort & ease in your own embodied self”
My online courses are self-paced programmes that combine recorded classes, lessons and more with live online classes and Q&A sessions.
I also see clients in person for 1-2-1 sessions in both Clinical Somatic Education and in Somatic Experiencing®.
“28-Day Embodied Stress Release: Nurturing Freedom from Stress, Stiffness, Discomfort & Pain”
Find out more & register here!
(You get lifetime access, so can start whenever you like - and go at your own pace.)
“SoMA for Counsellors:
Listening to the Whole, Embodied Person”
In 2025 this will be delivered in a new, improved format designed for ongoing learning: rather than a 10-week time-limited training, it will run as a 6-month programme with weekly live support: contact me for details.
Are you a counsllor, psychotherapist or other listening helper?… In this online programme you’ll explore how a somatic understanding can help you and your clients, practically, and you’ll experience as well as discuss practical techniques you might use for yourself and in your practice.
Just some of the feedback for this course (in its original, 10-week format):
“It was fascinating and informative and so useful for recognising where clients might need to look when they are stuck.”
“Taking the course made me experience myself as three-dimensional for the first time! That alone was worth it - but there’s so much more. I have already started to see my clients differently and to help them realise there might be a way out of their pain even if they have a diagnosis that makes them feel it’s not possible.”
“I would recommend this course to therapists, coaches and those in the helping profession. Although I had read about the ‘body keeping the score’ it wasn’t until this course that I grasped the concept of the body and the mind being one, rather than there being a separate mind and body. This awareness has meant that I now pay attention to my client’s bodies and what it is communicating rather than just listening to the words that they are saying…”
“… it has also been a personal journey for me. With the help of the movement sessions included in the course… I have become more aware of my own body and how to release stored stress. I have already experienced results in a short time-frame and now feel I have the resources to continue with this independently.”
“This course is amazing. There was a lot to learn, but for me the biggest thing was knowing what to do instead of stretching between sessions (and finding out why it hadn’t helped me at all!), and how to start using this information to help my clients. There’s a lot to take in, but it was all set out very clearly.”
“Samantha’s course … has challenged some of my long-held beliefs about the way we move, the significance of pain and the potential strategies to address it in the whole body… I have learned an enormous amount and feel like I’m only scratching the surface of all that Samantha offered in terms of reading, thinking and doing.”
“… an excellent introduction to different embodied approaches for therapists to explore. Samantha shared her expertise through practical, experiential sessions, demystifying theory and comparing the different approaches with incisive, critical clarity … We had time to reflect on the impact of each approach for us experientially which further expanded our learning and understanding of the potential impact for clients through that shared experience.”
“For any counsellors wanting an opportunity to experience different somatic and embodied approaches, for their own benefit, or in order to decide which of the approaches they would like to go on to study in depth, this course would be very worthwhile and is rewarding in its own right.”
Embodied Stress Release: 28 Days of Nurturing Freedom from Stress, Stiffness, Discomfort & Pain
This course gives you the tools you need to identify your stuck stress, and step-by-step guidance through different strategies to go about releasing it from your body and neuromuscular system.
The course is delivered over 28 days, but you can go at your own pace. (So: you do not have to complete it within 28 days, but should take the 28 ‘classes’ in order for best results.)
The goal of every lesson and technique you'll experience, is to pave your journey from stressed-out to a state of greater ease.
Every day, you get a short video introduction to the day's theme; material to help your experience and understanding; an opportunity to get INTO your body, using sensation or movement; and one or more video or audio exercises.
1-2-1 SoMA Sessions: Clinical Somatics or Somatic Experiencing®
In individual Clinical Somatic Education sessions, you explore your ability to self-sense & move, with hands-on feedback & guidance from me. This guides you to ease your chronic tension, through assisted 'pandiculations'.
Somatic Experiencing® sessions track your sensations and feelings, helping you to process stuck trauma responses in your body without having to ‘re-tell’ or ‘re-live’ a traumatic experience.
My Clinical Somatics sessions are SE-informed, and vice versa.
Sessions work to address chronic pain, stuck trauma, or other problems. They aim to improve your ability to move with far greater ease, & enable you to identify (& release) unconscious patterns of stuck-ness that've built up in you over time, from physical as well as emotional stress or trauma.
Sessions are 60-75 minutes.
SoMA Essentials
A complete foundational programme of Clinical Somatics movements, including step-by-step guidance on the fundamental technique of pandiculation and the key concepts of how Hanna Somatics works.
Full-length recorded classes, multiple short video lessons, plus written and audio resources, bonus classes & more.
This four-module course provides all you need to learn the foundational movements & core technique to move away from pain to greater ease - and more!
Structured around a WELCOME section, and two further modules:
I’m also a BFRP (registered Bach remedies practitioner): click here to find out more about Bach remedies and what they can do for you.
So, why take SoMA Somatics classes, online programmes, and one-to-one clinical sessions?
SoMA Somatics classes and sessions teach you how to move more easily and feel more comfortable in your own body. Importantly, you figure out how to eradicate pain and keep pain away - even if you feel like you've 'tried everything' with little success, and feel like giving up hope that things might change.
Somatics in the tradition of Thomas Hanna's work - unlike other practices that use the term 'somatics' - focuses on very specific ways to address pain, & move better. It addresses YOUR needs, YOUR body - and as a guide to get you there, focuses on three main stress reflex patterns and how to overcome them. This focus makes it efficient, effective, and fast-acting.
Combatting the 'Myth of Ageing', SoMA Somatics works whatever your age, & equips you to keep pain away in the long term. The basic movement strategy and exercises you learn give you life-long tools. As well as being a fantastic self-healing and self-regulating resource, this also makes Somatics extremely cost-effective.