Feel more at ease in yourself

You don’t have to live with stress, stiffness, discomfort, or pain

Stress, pain, and trauma isn’t “all in your head”. It’s literally in your body.

It’s in your neuromuscular and nervous systems. And both stress and trauma can get stuck in your body.

If you feel stressed all the time (even when you “shouldn’t”), stuck stress or unresolved trauma is the most likely cause.

Stuck stress and unresolved trauma often cause stiffness, discomfort, and pain, amongst other “symptoms”. And the longer stress stays stuck in your body, the more likely you’ll also struggle with fatigue, weakness, insomnia, and chronic pain...

Work with me to address your stuck stress or unresolved trauma. Unlock your ability to use movement and self-sensing to release chronic stress and ongoing pain.

Become your own healer. Create positive changes in your brain, body & life. Get strategies to maintain freedom from stuck stress and ongoing pain - without relying on medications and endless visits to therapists.

Hello and welcome. I'm Samantha Holland.

People come to me to when they’re suffering from ongoing stress, stiffness, discomfort, and pain. I can help, especially if

  • Your problem’s chronic, having gone on for months or even years with little or no improvement,

  • Your symptoms are “unexplained”,

  • Your symptoms just won’t go away despite multiple therapies, medications, self-help strategies, and even surgeries, and/or

  • You may have an unresolved experience of trauma that is part of the problem.

Using specific movements and self-sensing techniques grounded in neuroscience and lived experience, you can release the stuck stress at the root of your problems, to live the life you want - less stressed, and free from stiffness, discomfort, and pain.

Many of these problems are neuromuscular (which means it’s about the communication between your brain and your muscles). This is why YOU are the best person to address your stress, your discomfort, and your pain.

Why? Because no-one else CAN make changes to you “from the inside”. And if the problem’s neuromuscular, then that’s where the changes have to be made. (See my free ebook on signs that indicate your pain is neuromuscular.)

The specific movements and self-sensing approaches I teach activate your inbuilt capacity to release stress, get rid of stiffness, discomfort and pain, and experience far greater freedom and ease in your body and in your life. (#neuroplasticity!)

You learn not how someone else can help you, but how you can truly, effectively help yourself.

As my client, you learn specific movement strategies and sensing techniques so you can best take active care of yourself. You learn:

  • How to release the embodied stress and stored trauma that cause so many emotional and physical “symptoms”, and

  • How to replace unhelpful, unhealthy patterns of movement with whole-body awareness to enable you to move with far greater comfort and ease.

Learning healthier patterns of movement, and learning to soothe your own nervous system

  1. Lowers your stress levels and can help address stuck trauma, and

  2. Transforms stiffness & pain into fluidity & ease.

Just imagine…

  • Not feeling stressed-out all the time.

  • Not feeling stressed for no reason.

  • Sitting, standing, lying down, and walking comfortaby and with true ease.

  • Enjoying activities you love without stress or pain holding you back.

  • Experiencing full-body rest & relaxation, and feeling truly at ease in your whole, embodied self!


Free video series on The Truth About Pain - Free ebook on 12 Signs Your Stiffness, Discomfort & Pain is Neuromuscular - Free online course on the 3 Somatic Keys to Address Stress

Click below to check out the free resources you can access via my site :)

If you can feel it and sense it, you can change it
— Thomas Hanna, Founder of Clinical Somatic Education

FEBRUARY 2025: In-person workshops in Sheffield - for counsellors, psychotherapists & coaches wanting to learn about ‘somatics’ and how it can help your clients and YOU: the workshop runs on Friday 14th and Saturday 15th February at Academy SPACE: click here for the link for Friday’s registration.

Online workshop Sat 29th March: click here to sign up

EMBODY Somatics: A SoMA course for counsellors & psychotherapists

The outcome of the EMBODY Somatics programme is simple: confidently integrate Somatics into your client work—to get better outcomes for clients stuck in physical pain and repetitive patterns, to widen your expertise, and to experience more comfort & ease in your own soma. 

You’ll explore how a somatic understanding can help you & your clients, practically, and will experience and develop techniques to use with clients - not ‘adding’ skills around the ‘body’ to your work, but working with your clients as somatics wholes.

This is suitable for counsellors, psychotherapists, SEPs and many other listening professionals: Get in touch to find out more and to request the programme details!

For further information about what Clinical Somatics is, check out my blog (click here to get started), and my other free resources :)

I’m also a registered BFRP (Bach remedies practitioner)

Please click here to discover more about Bach remedies and how they can help you feel more at ease with yourself, and help you address the shocks, stresses, and strains of life.
